Time and Again has been released!

Driven by a love for language and wordplay Mila Milena combines jazz and pop with hints of Indie music on her first EP called Time and Again. Together with the outstanding musicians Hue Blanes(piano, link), Daniel Font(guitar), David Puime(drums), Raphaël Royer(bass, link) and Jaume Pineda Soler(tenor saxophone) she creates an atmosphere in which she draws you closer with the warm sound of her voice. Through meandering melodies she expresses the melancholy and beauty in stories of ever occurring changes in life. Her love for nature is tangible in the lyrics she writes and shape a clear vision in the mind of anyone who listens to her compositions.

Having studied different genres of jazz such as Brazilian and contemporary music I have become a versatile singer. My interest in Brazilian music and its culture has even led me to travel to Brazil.

During my bachelor studies Jazz Vocals at the Royal Conservatoire I have followed classes with Jazzmeia Horn, Susanne Abbuehl, Yvonne Smeets, Anka Koziel, Lilian Vieira, Gretchen Parlato and Fay Claassen.

After having gained all this knowledge I developed m own style which is closer to where I started from: popular music. Over the last year I have been writing her own compositions which you can listen to on my EP called Time and Again.